But oh so close.
We're at 34 weeks today; the doc says they won't let me go past 38. While there are different schools of thought on the matter (isn't full term full term regardless of how many critters you're carrying?), I somehow think I'll be okay with letting these babies go free range at that point. The competition and consequences of this 3-way scrap for space have intensified and I'm not sure I'm equipped to go the long haul. I'll fiercely take on a war of words any day, but this body hijacking has me crying uncle. That said, we are aiming for fat and happy babies who must never meet the wonderful nurses in the NICU. So I whine a little and then talk them into staying put for now.
Wish us luck... as the critters grow, as I expand, and as John maintains his excitement and never ending support through it all.