Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Speed Bump Lela

The girls are in that fun stage where they roll until they run into something, then reverse roll until they run into something else. If you've been in our living room, you know that it doesn't take long before they hit an obstacle, especially with the addition of two bouncy seats, a pack n play, a 3-legged dog...

and a sibling.

Tonight, Lela was more than happy to be Cate's speed bump.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Does August even count as a month anymore? It has essentially vanished before my eyes. Although I do remember looking at the calendar a few weeks back and suspecting something like this might happen.

August started with parental shock but very little fanfare around Cate and Lela's six month birthday.

Soon thereafter we were joined by dear St.Louis friends for a weekend in Ketchum. A smart choice given the 20 degree temperature differences between Ketchum and Boise that weekend. Aware of their sympathetic audience, the girls decided it was a good time to express their teething displeasure. Aside from that, we had a lovely weekend fishing, taking a scenic ride to the top of Baldy via the tram and lifts, and enjoying delicious food and beverage (and maybe a little ice cream).

(Space for fishing photo here - hint, hint)

Not to brag or anything, but I think I landed the only fish of the weekend in my ten minutes of fishing (the guys were out for 8 hours). Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to pose with fish because I had the camera. When I tell you the story of catching this sixteen inch rainbow trout, it might be best if you forget that you saw this picture.

In an odd bit of planning, we followed our friends back to St.Louis for a visit only two days after they left Boise. Cate and Lela won over our fellow Delta passengers with their most stellar in-flight performance. John and I declared victory and accepted that we may never again have such luck.

Once in St.Louis, any thoughts of a relaxing week taking advantage of the countless extra sets of hands we were sure to encounter quickly dashed as our schedule filled with various baby showings, sending baby schedules into a tizzy. Not that there weren't lots of hands. Grandma, Grandpa, (great) aunts, (great) uncles, cousins, and adoptive family hands were plenty. We were thrilled to see everyone and to fill those arms with precious baby bundles, but we were exhausted by the end of the week.

And a bit challenged with how to navigate security on our way home.

Perhaps due to all the passing around, or the lying in security tubs, or the time spent on the terminal floor while mom changed diapers or adjusted baby carriers, our trip souvenirs are of the sniffling, sneezing, coughing variety. Thanks, but no thanks. Sorry St.Louis, but next time we're leaving the germs behind.