Friday, December 23, 2011


 "Toot-Toot-A-Rella" is what I call the girls when they toot. To my knowledge they're not tooting in these photos, but they sure are living up to the name in other ways.

Dress Up

All dressed up and much too busy for a photo shoot.

I thought I'd take advantage of Cate and Lela's going-to-see-Santa dresses and try to get some cute photos. How very optimistic of me.

While most of my shots were of the girls crawling away, I did get these...

Santa Who?

Swinging our way into Winter

We'd prefer snow so that we can take the girls skiing, but for now it looks like the swings will have to do.


Please do your best snow dance for Boise and I promise not to delay in posting our first snow outing adventures.

Wink Wink, Top of the Morning to You

Every morning that we're both home, we feed the girls in our bed and then spend about twenty minutes enjoying the warm, mushy queen bed/down comforter/pillow pile playground. We sing songs and play games and encourage tumbling and wrestling (as long as it doesn't involve digging fingers into eye sockets or pulling hair).  When the girls begin attempting swan dives off the bed, John and I declare in unison, "Time to release the hounds!" and they both get a swift flight to the living room floor to resume their morning antics.

Thanksgiving Leftovers

Monday, December 5, 2011