Thursday, September 27, 2012

Study Atop Boise

I recently took my Comp Exams. This is how I studied...


Boise Staycation

A few weeks ago we loaded the car late in the day, drove up the hill to Bogus Basin ski area, rejected the available official campground sites, and drove the "nordic highway" in search of a suitable campsite as the sun was setting. This was not unfamiliar territory for either of us, but with two hungry toddlers, a geriatric tripod dog, and a full load of large and in-charge camping gear, we were pushing our luck.

We checked one spot recommended by friends who said the easy-to-miss turn off was steep and would look undrivable. While it may have been an adventurous but feasible approach in a high clearance truck, it was indeed undrivable in a loaded subaru. We continued to drive and I continued to run down anything that looked like a trail to see if it lead to something that could house a big tent. Eventually, we found a small turn out with a trail that climbed into the brush and eventually into a very small clearing with a fire ring and a lovely view.

The girls and Kai were champs. They all navigated the trail without incident and even ran up and down a few more times just for fun. After a mac'n'cheese and TastyBite dinner, we hiked 50 feet of ridge trail until it was too overgrown to go any further. We bundled for bed only to have the girls turn the tent into a large bounce house for another hour. And we woke to a dead stove, so the girls had cold pasta and spinach dal for breakfast before we loaded the car and headed down the hill in search of more food.

Little Explorers

Sometimes, when I'm feeling brave, the girls and I venture into the neighborhood like a bunch of enthusiastic young explorers. We pound the pavement for a bit, climb the front porches of our neighbors, and if we're lucky we see an ANIMAL! After watching our neighbor walk his two-year old twin boys around the block every evening a few years ago, I thought block completion was a very reasonable goal. After numerous attempts, we may have made it once. May have. My brain is so fogged by memories of unsuccessful attempts that I'm not even sure. Needless to say, I've had to lower my standards. I'm no longer concerned with how far we go; my new goal is to make it within two houses of our own before I get stuck carrying a very awkward fifty pounds of fussy girl(s) to complete the trip.

The following photos are from earlier this month. We made it from our corner to the next, stalled in front of this house for thirty minutes or more, and then I had to haul both girls and their personal belongings back to our house for bedtime. Quite a scene! Our young neighbor mom watched the whole thing from fifteen feet away and didn't say a word... who does that?

Pockets sure would be nice!

Ahhh... that's better!


Sister Love on Street Corner

Monday, September 24, 2012

The 411

I know you all want to see photos and I've been trying to deliver. However, the photos only tell part of the story. I would love to write more... just seems my brain can only handle so much and by the end of the day when I can update here, I can do little more than stare at my computer screen and drool.

Lela and Cate are surprising us with new things every day, though, so I thought I better get to writing some of this stuff down. They are walking, running, dancing, and jumping, and getting pretty good at navigating stairs. They are kissing and hugging... which is good because it just a little bit makes up for the fighting and biting (a LelaBird special).

They sort and clean up their toys, put dirty diapers in the trash or diaper pail, put dirty clothes in the laundry basket, clean up spills when they happen and have their very own broom that they are still trying to figure out. Now if I could just teach them to mop!

The talking started back in March with Lela saying "hi", "dadada", "mamamama", and "dakyo" for thank you. Cate's preferred vocalization has mostly been doing raspberries. At this point, they both have nana (banana), cheese, ball, NO!, NoNoNo, and GoGoGo for when they are getting ready to go biking with John. Cate also has a hysterical "duck" and "quack" and can tell you that a cow says "mmmmm". Lela's language has really started to take off in recent weeks with clear enough communication for more, help, bubrary (blueberry), app-eh (apple), wabem (water), Li-el (Lela), Diee (Cate), diaper, poopy, love you, and so on. It's going to be really fun to see how they transform into little talkers over the next few months!

They can both take off and put on their shoes (gotta love velcro) and in the last two weeks, Cate has a special interest in taking off and putting on clothes. She hasn't started ripping off diapers yet, but she's really close!

They love, love, love being outside... if there is an open door, they are quick to run through it. Thankfully, daytime temps are cooling off so that outside time, before their 8pm bedtime, is more appealing. With the recent nearby forest fires though, all of Boise has been socked in with smoke so outside time has been somewhat limited.


I drafted the above post many days ago and while I'd love to conclude it in some clever, well-crafted way, it's 8:35, the girls are in bed, Lela just stopped crying and all I can do is stare at my computer screen and drool.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Warm Lake, Idaho

Between back to work, back to school, and JR's busy summer work schedule, things have been a bit nutty and we haven't been fitting in adventure time. As my work kids returned to school, I started to panic and loaded up the girls for a camping trip even though John had to work all weekend.

Thanks to our great friends who helped me out with tent set up and meal preparation, we managed to hold it together, have fun with friends, and find some very cool fish. Success!

Looking for macroinvertebrates

High chairs are overrated

Quality time with Sofia

Patrick, Sara, and Alex: Our camp helpers

Fish viewing platform, Stolle Meadow

Fish so big even C & L were impressed

Chinook Salmon

Salmon Redds!!

Lela Sandwich