Saturday, June 23, 2012

Big (and Bright) Shoes To Fill

When John and I started dating, he was spending quite a bit of time in these bright aqua blue Crocs and I may have commented once or twice about the daring nature of his choice in shoe color. He told me that the very cute young sales girl who sold him the shoes said he must be very secure in his masculinity. He took that as a compliment and bought the shoes :)

Six years later the shoes have two very cute, and very young, new fans!  

Mystery Illness

This little munchkin had a rough week. After some big fuss last Friday and throwing up on John's chest Saturday (Happy Dada Day!), she started to run a fever on Monday afternoon. All week she had a consistent running temp of 101, with occasional very scary temperature spikes to 103.5, 104.5 and even 106. Thankfully, she responded quickly to hose downs and Tylenol when her fever spiked like that. Her Dr's office (and the internet) assured me that I shouldn't worry if she otherwise seemed okay. Which she did. During the spikes she would get extra fussy, but otherwise, she just seemed more tired than normal. They even said it was normal that she wasn't eating... for the better portion of a week! She made up for the lack of food with outlandishly large servings of milk, though. No temperature spikes yesterday or today, so we're hoping the worst of it is over. This photo was taken this morning... definitely having a better day! Not necessarily a better hair day, but a better day overall   :)

Grooming Update

This baby recently got a haircut...

This baby did not.

Move Over, Picasso! Step Aside, Monet!

If you're lucky (and if I can find the stamps), some of their early works may fill your mailbox soon. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Daddy's Day!

Hooray for all the awesome Daddies out there! We celebrated Father's Day by helping Daddy open presents and then riding our bikes to the zoo. Along the way we talked about how we love Boise not just because we can ride our bikes to almost anyplace we want to go, but because we almost always enjoy the bike ride as much as the destination.

At the zoo, we watched monkeys and giant rabbits and wandered with the wallabies. For future visits, we'll make sure we didn't just dump a corn/black bean salad in the girls stroller the night before. The zoo helper kept saying, "I've never seen Mama Wallaby get so close to anyone before." Meanwhile you could see a pile of corn, beans, and red peppers in the bottom of the stroller.

I was quite certain she was going to jump right in. Just a little embarrasing.
We visted the sleepy sloth bear and then fed her meal worms through a tube when she woke up. Sloth bears don't have the top two front teeth, making it easy for them to "vacuum" up insects... through metal and pvc pipes? What a strange adaptation!

Of course we also had to feed the goats....

Attempt escapes after giving up on the goats...

And check out the prairie dog tunnels with our Number 1 Dad!

We were having so much fun, it was hard to leave. So, after all that excitement the girls took a most unfortunate ten minute nap on the way home. I'm not sure how they determine ten minutes can replace two hours, but they do. With our additional awake time, maybe I'll start teaching them math.

"10 does not equal 120." End of lesson.

Saturday, June 9, 2012



Tree branches whipped about, debris stung our faces, and Cate and Lela braced against the strong winds. This momma thought it would be a good idea to take her wee littles outside to welcome the storm. I was mostly right... and a little lucky that our girls didn't get swept away to the Land of Oz.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Smarty Pants

Lela pulls out their shoe bin, dumps the contents on the floor, places it upside down next to the couch, and voila... a step stool.

I pretty much think she's a genius. A very mischievous genius.

Sunday Morning

The girls helped their daddy get ready to kayak Staircase this morning.

At the door to wave "goodbye." 

Finding Limits

In case you haven't noticed, Lela and Cate are still just little people. It's easy for me to forget sometimes because they are smart, strong, and so determined that they seem to be able to do just about anything that us big people can do.

Today Cate found her limit when she squatted next to Kai, put one hand under her head and another under her butt, and tried to pick her up. In case you were wondering, it didn't work. Knowing these two though, they'll figure it out sooner than later.

More Chores

Lela and Cate love to make a mess but, lucky for us, they also love to clean up. This week, they learned to take out the garbage. It appears that Cate had the easier task.