Oh Geez... it was inevitable, right? My once frequent blog updates have been reduced to a trickle less reliable than a drippy faucet. I've thought my way through numerous posts, but have failed to make them a reality. Unfortunately that's the way I do a lot of things. Those of you who haven't received birthday cards from me should see the stack of unmailed cards I'm hoarding. For real. I purchase another birthday card for you all every year and somehow fail to get it to the mailbox.
I'd love to say that it's genetic (is there a follow-through gene?). That it can't be helped. Actually, I've used that excuse for years. But I'd hate to try to sell Cate and Lela such a lame excuse when they wonder why there is little record of their first year.
So... that brings us to the latest update.
Cate and Lela are smiling, coo-ing, and as of last week, holding toys. They're little sponges. They watch every move we make and love to look, smile, and talk to each other. They did great with their Mum and Papa when I went back to work for three weeks (thanks Mom and Dad!) and just recently had their first ride on an airplane to Santa Cruz to visit Grandma Robison, Auntie Renee, and Uncle Tom.
Right now, they're packing for their first camping trip. City of Rocks. After seeing the loaded car this morning, they're wondering where they're going to sit. I figure this trip will have one of three outcomes... 1) all goes well, we all sleep, and we plan another trip for next weekend, 2) it's a total disaster and I vow to not camp again until they are 12, or 3) we return to Boise and buy a minivan.
Wish us luck.
And I promise to get pictures up when we return. Pinky swear.
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