Friday, November 25, 2011

The Magic and Mayhem of Mobility

"It gets easier!"

We've heard those three words again and again from folks trying to console us, the apparently exhausted, overwhelmed parents of twins. Indeed, it has been challenging to feed, diaper, tend to, and love two babies at once, but (knock on wood) we are crazy lucky to have two relatively easy babies. They're good eaters, good sleepers, and are generally pretty happy. So from the very beginning, even through the rough patches, we weren't thinking about how hard it was, we were thinking about how hard it was going to get when they became mobile.

Well, we're there.

Cate and Lela have become two very busy little girls. In the last two days we've pulled computer parts, dog food, and leaves from their mouths, we've dried countless tears from falling, teething, being overtired, or just not feeling well, we've juggled two babies when they both insist on being held, and we've wondered where all their clean clothes have gone (when our Kiki hasn't been here to keep the laundry moving). It's overwhelming, it's exhausting, and I feel like I'm always ten seconds shy of being proactive.

It is also amazing. Amazing to watch them figure things out. Today Lela (who wildly waves her arms up and down to show excitement) very deliberately put her hands together, palms flat, contemplating a clap. It was the first visible moment in the learning process. Now, when she's excited, she waves wildly and ends by putting her hands together.

They sprint crawl to explore all open doors, new people, new objects, etc. And they are spending lots of time on their feet, using furniture (or a not-so-stable 3-legged dog) for support. I've decided that we will contribute a nickel for every fall into their college fund. A quarter for every fall that results in tears. We'll surely get a nice jumpstart on their savings.

I'm sure that it will get easier at some point, but for now the challenge curve is on a steep rise.

To everyone who said it would soon get easier, you're welcome to come witness this chaos, but beware that we will certainly put you to work.

1 comment:

  1. Yay you're back (even if no pics!). I sure wasn't one of the people who said it would get easier as I thought infancy was fairly easy but once Fiona started walking it got WAY harder. And TWO of them at once, oy, good luck (and keep the stories coming)!
