Friday, April 6, 2012

Feeling Poopy

We've had a rough few weeks since mid-March.

Lela and I shared a nasty cough through spring break. Emphasis on nasty. And both girls are working on a few molars which have led to varying degrees of sleepless nights, crying, finger chewing, and fevers.

As Lela and I had mostly shaken what ailed us, Cate came down with a cough of her own. Unfortunately this once came with extreme wheezing and a mild ear infection. A trip to evening clinic at the pediatrician's office armed us with a nebulizer and antibiotics but in classic fashion, things got worse before they got better. I heard through the grapevine that Albuterol acts as a stimulant, so we've had a few nights of wide-awake Cate mixed with what seemed to be unbearable ear infection pain and hours of screaming. She's shared our bed for the last two nights. Thankfully, last night screaming Cate was replaced with flopping-fish Cate. Much improved.

A house visit by Wendy earned us a stethoscope of our very own! 

In the midst of all this (and I'm sure thanks to my outrageous, spasmadic coughing fits) I became aware that I had an umbilical hernia since pregnancy. The coughing likely caused a push of fatty tissue (pleasant, I know) through the hernia and it was stuck. One hospital visit to P.A. Wendy and her surgeon boss and I'm all fixed up. I haven't looked under the dressing yet, but I'm pretty sure when I do I will find "W.J. was here. 2012." stitched into my belly.

Knock on wood... I think we're all mostly better now.

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