Monday, April 28, 2014

Love Them

Indeed it's hard work, but they truly are my favorite people.


If I've said it before, I'm sure it was a long time ago and I'm due to say it again.... this parenting business is really hard. Like, REALLY hard!! I watch people all around me who appear to be breezing through it and I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I'm secretly hoping though, that those parents also feel like they are losing their mind most days.

We've just now gotten to the point where C & L can play together for more than two minutes without immediate danger of somebody getting seriously hurt. That helps. But it doesn't change the fact that my stomach turns every time I need to incite movement toward a desired outcome. It could be time to get dressed, or time to brush teeth; to pick out shoes, to head home from daycare or the park, to get in car seats, to clean up, to go to bed, etc. Every one of these tasks feels like a major expedition. How will I frame it, how will I motivate them, how will I keep my cool when they ignore my efforts or show obvious signs of defiance? Just when I find a strategy that seems to work, their needs change or they catch on to my trickery. And if I'm working on a sleep deficiency, and am not on my game, you can be sure that all of these tasks will somehow end with a two inch deep layer of soap bubbles on the bathroom floor.

My goal is mostly to survive to the end of the day with some remaining sanity, to wake up the next morning with enough energy to keep it together for another day, and to have two girls who feel loved for being exactly who they are (soap bubbles, fights, defiance and all). It sounds overly dramatic when I put it in writing, but it may actually be an understatement. Be thankful that I didn't write this IN ALL CAPS!!

Up In the AIr

Here's my quandry... I sort of love the idea of this blog. I love seeing my family framed by the "Hatched" format. I love having this spot where I can share freely, knowing that only a select few are watching. And I love having this full history of our parenting journey. BUT... I'm too tired to post. I'm too behind in posting to ever get caught up. I'm not sure who I'm posting for. Facebook is easier, and more of you are there than here, but I really prefer not to share too much there. And I'm thinking if I had the choice, maybe I would spend my time on shutterfly putting together photo books of our memories instead. 

Please share your thoughts.