Monday, April 28, 2014

Up In the AIr

Here's my quandry... I sort of love the idea of this blog. I love seeing my family framed by the "Hatched" format. I love having this spot where I can share freely, knowing that only a select few are watching. And I love having this full history of our parenting journey. BUT... I'm too tired to post. I'm too behind in posting to ever get caught up. I'm not sure who I'm posting for. Facebook is easier, and more of you are there than here, but I really prefer not to share too much there. And I'm thinking if I had the choice, maybe I would spend my time on shutterfly putting together photo books of our memories instead. 

Please share your thoughts.


  1. I don't know. A lot of why I blog is to have a sense of community, since otherwise I would be locked up alone in my house with these two wild animals, and after they go to sleep it can get lonely. I do like the journal it gives me - and for me it has been very helpful for processing my very tumultuous past 4 years. But I also like the idea of spending less time online. I'd say don't worry about "having so much to catch up on." Your little snapshot posts are wonderful to read, and you should feel no need to put up posts on a regular or more frequent schedule.

  2. Ditto what Claire said. No need to capture everything. Snapshots, especially yours, are very apropos for a blog about children growing up and the parents that participate in it. My posts have definitely dropped off over the years, for some of the same reasons as you have mentioned.


    One recommendation I do have for you is to print the blog in book form. There are companies out there that can take your posts and format them into a book for a reasonable price. Great for relatives, the kids in future years, or even yourself. Keep up the good work.
