All is well here. Catherine and Lela are making huge progress every day and John is a dream.
There's just one problem. My breast pump and I can't seem to get along. I wish this was a minor hiccup, but as a NICU mom who would like to breastfeed I need the pump to be my friend.
I'm not sure if I've done something to upset it or if it treats everyone with this same disregard. I'm desperate and willing to do just about anything, but how does one find out what a breast pump would like. I use only loving words when I speak to it, take good care of it's parts, and have provided a safe and warm place for it to live. Maybe it would prefer more modern decor, or perhaps a shrine in it's honor. Maybe it's like a giga pet and needs to be fed, watered, and loved at certain intervals. Or could it be that this leased pump has an attachment disorder caused by frequent shifts in caregivers?
I've searched the owner's manual looking for clues but it seems geared to mechanical ramblings only. I've spent countless hours doing google searches. Still no luck. I've found no hints as to how to win the heart of my pump.
My pump and I have even been seeing a team of specialists. The professionals are equally troubled by our obviously strained relationship and fear we may be incompatible, but their parting advice is that we spend more time together. Really? MORE time? I must have left out some important details to have gotten such reckless counsel.
As in any difficult situation, I can only take it day by day. The pump does not need me the way that I need it, but I will continue to do my best to seek a peaceful coexistence.
Wish me luck.... and if you don't hear from me in the next week, send me a sledge hammer.