Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lela's Saturday Morning Scrub Down

Saturday morning, John woke with a mission to restore order to our slightly disheveled space. Did I happen to mention that he's the best husband and baby daddy ever? Anyway, we were definitely in need of the typical weekend vacuum and clutter control but he also collected five days worth of crusty burp cloths and spitty sleepers and swaddle blankets in need of a hose down.
We had two crusty babies, too, one of which got tossed in with the laundry.

We used the delicate setting and skipped the spin cycle and this is what came out. Cute, huh? She smelled good, too.


  1. I just want to say Conrats and how adorable the girls are and I am so happy for you two enjoy it up! It goes by really fast, thanks for the updates and if you ever need a sitter I would love to watch them! MirAnnda (Bobbie's Daughter)

  2. Good work John! Keep washing! And laughing...keep laughing! It beats crying every time! I love the humor you bring to the superhuman effort you are enduring right now.
