10. We are sleep deprived, but not depraved.
9. We haven't called the NICU nurses to ask if we could bring the girls back... until their 18th birthday.
8. John returned to work part-time and Angel has survived a handful of feeding cycles in his absence.
7. We made it to our first pediatrician appointment; our first outing. We were even on time.
6. We shared pie and wine and laughs with visiting friends one evening. A major social accomplishment, even if we did talk babies the whole time.
5. Our reliance on NICU monitoring and procedures has waned; we haven't been tempted to place a feeding tube yet.
4. Our new motto: the family that burps together stays together.
3. Human waste has remained confined to appropriate waste collection areas (ie. not on the ceiling).
2. Tandem feeding attempts resulted in the actual transfer of some amount of food.
1. Kai hasn't tried to eat the small children.
Ask Brad and I about the Human Waste Containment issues at our house. We have the photos to prove it. They may amuse you someday. I agree on setting the ceiling off limits. walls however are another story! Ask us, I dare you! :)