Saturday, February 19, 2011

"Are We There Yet?"

Not only did we not have to pull out the allowance threats, we didn't even get a chance to have our family meeting.

Lela has finished every bottle since yesterdays post! And to be sure that her efforts didn't go unnoticed, she yanked her feeding tube out this morning while the nurse was putting on her hat. No fuss, just a perfectly timed pull to send a very strong message.

So it's all bottles all the time for these two until they come home. It's easier to gauge how much they're getting that way and hopefully easier to ensure that they'll gain weight.

Visiting our daughters in the NICU is getting old. It's time to bring these small mammals home.

1 comment:

  1. Go Girls GO! Bringing them home is going to be so sweet! I'm so glad to hear they've got the feeding tubes out. Keep up the hearty appetities girls!

    And, hooray for GIRLS, eh? So much for at least one of us having a boy!!!!
